Travel smarter in Bangkok
‣ Complete Bangkok Metro Public Transportation Network
BTS Skytrain, MRT, SRT, Airport Rail Link (ARL), Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)
‣ Always Up To Date
Keep track of the latest fares, timetables, stations, etc all in one app!
‣ Use it on the go
Works underground and without an internet connection
‣ Route Planner
Easily find and share the fastest path to your destination
‣ Beautiful Design
Modern, clean, curated in every detail
‣ Incredible UX
All lines and connections shown clearly
‣ Nearby Stations
Find the closest subway station near you!
‣ Route Info
See your Journey Time and Fare
‣ Integrated timetable
Never miss a train again
‣ Station nearby alerts
Get notified when you arrive at your destination
‣ Station Exits
Know where to go, before even getting there
‣ Stations Search
Search for any stations within the app or in Spotlight